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The Case of Central Europe. 109-115. p.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinz Fassmann, Department of Geography and Regional Research,
University of Vienna, Universitätsstraße 7, A–1010 Vienna, Austria,
Ass.-Prof. Dr. Gerhard Hatz, Department of Geography and Regional Research,
University of Vienna, Universitätsstraße 7, A–1010 Vienna, gerhard.hatz@univie.ac.at
Dr. Molnár Balázs PhD, Centre for Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
H-8000 Székesfehérvár, Budai út 9–11., bmolnar@rkk.hu
Dr. Ludek Sýkora PhD., Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science
Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, sykora@natur.cuni.cz
Szépvölgyi Ákos Msc, Centre for Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, H-
8000 Székesfehérvár, Budai út 9–11., szepvol@rkk.hu
Prof. Szirmai Viktória DSc, Institute of Sociology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, H–
1014 Budapest, Úri u. 49., h9579szi@ella.hu
Participants of the project
1. Members of the research team
Prof. Dr. Szirmai Viktória, consorcia leader – Institute of Sociology, HAS
Prof. Dr. Rechnitzer János, team leader – Centre for Regional Studies, HAS
Hervainé dr. Szabó Gyöngyvér, team leader – Kodolányi János University College
Schuchmann Péter, team leader – Pestterv Ltd. (schuchmann.peter@pestterv.hu)
Csabina Zoltán, team leader – Fejer Enterprise Agency (zoltan.csabina@meh.hu)
Baráth Gabriella – Centre for Regional Studies, HAS (gbarath@rkk.hu)
Bognár Judit – Institute of Sociology, HAS
Borbély Béláné – Fejer Enterprise Agency (borbely@fejer-hvk.hu)
Burányi Endre – Pestterv Ltd. (buranyi.endre@pestterv.hu)
Csizmadia Zoltán – Centre for Regional Studies, HAS (cszoltan@rkk.hu)
Dr. Csizmady Adrienne – Institute of Sociology, HAS (csizmady@ludens.elte.hu)
Ferencz Zoltán – Institute of Sociology, HAS (ferencz@socio.mta.hu)
Dr. Füstös László – Institute of Sociology, HAS (h173fus@helka.iif.hu)
Hegyi Fatime Barbara – Centre for Regional Studies, HAS (hegyif@rkk.hu)
Huszár Ákos – Centre for Regional Studies, HAS (ahuszar@rkk.hu)
Dr. Juhász Gábor – Kodolányi János University College (juhaszg@uranos.kodolanyi.hu)
Károlyi János – Pestterv Ltd. (karolyi.janos@pestterv.hu)
Mándi József – Pestterv Ltd. (mandi.jozsef@pestterv.hu)
Discussion Papers 2007.
Social Inequalities in Urban Areas and Globalization.
The Case of Central Europe. 109-115. p.
Dr. Molnár Balázs – Centre for Regional Studies, HAS (bmolnar@rkk.hu)
Páble Adrienn – Kodolányi János University College (pablea@uranos.kodolanyi.hu)
Szépvölgyi Ákos – Centre for Regional Studies, HAS (szepvol@rkk.hu)
Váradi Zsuzsanna – Institute of Sociology, HAS (varadizs@socio.mta.hu)
2. External experts
Balázsné Varga Margit – external expert
Balogh Eszter – external expert
Jakab Csaba – external expert, Central Transdanubian Regional Development Agency
Kékesi Márk – external expert , Tárki Inc.
Pál Károly – external expert
Révész Erika – external expert, Tárki Inc.
Sági Matild – external expert, Tárki Inc.