Discussion Papers 2007.
Regionality and/or Locality 187-193. p.
The sinking of the groundwater level in the Homokhátság area in the Danube-Tisza
Interfluve and the related negative ecological, economic and social processes result
in one of the most complex and most urgent environmental problems in Hungary.
The conflict of the region is extremely complex. The unfavourable hydrological
changes did not only cause the drying-up of the wells and the desiccation of the
lakes but also resulted in the breaking down of the ecological balance of the areas
concerned, the regression of the local economy and the deterioration of the general
living conditions.
It is to be regretted that no solution was found for the comprehensive treatment
of these problems so far. The chief loser of the negative processes taking place in
the region is the special feature of the settlement structure of the Great Plain: the
world of the scattered farms.
The disadvantages of the scattered farms and rural areas and the lagging behind
of the settlements in the Homokhátság area on the national level – reflected by the
socio-economic development – further intensified in the past few years. The sub-
sistence of the local population became unpredictable and the world of the scat-
tered farms got into distress.
The landscape characteristics and values of the scattered farms
– in brief
The scattered farms of the Homokhátság area in the Danube-Tisza Interfluve, in
fact, occupy the remnants of the former alluvial fans of the Ancient Danube. The
surface of the area is characterised by sand sheet plains, jointed rows of sand dunes
and their formations divided by erosional-deflational depressions which were for-
merly filled by temporary saline lakes and marshlands.
The most substantial natural resources can be found on the areas of the
Kiskunság National Park established in 1975. The Park includes grassy and wet
habitats, forests, pusztas, meadows and lawns used for agricultural purposes with a
large number of considerable rare/protected species. The geomorphological forma-
Kovács, András Donát : Regional Problems of Scattered Farms in the Homokhátság Area in Hungary.
In: Regionality and/or Locality. Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2007. 187-193. p.
Discussion Papers, Special
tions are of outstanding importance, too: sand dune formations, diverse terrain and
soil types and their combinations. Two-thirds of the area of the National Park is a
Biosphere Reserve, and the saline lakes and the Lake Kolon are declared Ramsar
Wetland habitats of international importance.
The cultural values of the area including 104 settlements are also unique (Table
1). The scattered farms themselves represent special values together with the tradi-
tional farming activities including the farming methods maintaining the genome of
the primordial Hungarian domestic animals. The milieu of the scattered farms does
not only make the landscape unique but has a significant role in the conservation of
the natural values, the functioning of the economy and the retention of the local
community as well.
Table 1
Settlements of Homokhátság and the number of inhabitants on scattered farms
Number of settlements
Number of inhabitants on scattered
Source: Hungarian Central Statistical Office.
Environmental conflicts – natural environment
Several international and national climatic and hydrographical researches reported
changes in the climate of the Carpathian Basin in the past few years. According to
the Hungarian experts and authorities, it would be an exaggeration to talk about a
semi-desert state but the signs of the land turning into steppes are already definitely
apparent. As a consequence of the durative dry periods of the past decades, the
character of the pusztas in the Danube-Tisza Interfluve really changed: the saline
habitats started to decay and there has been no water for years in certain lakes.
Though there is a short rainy period in the beginning of the warm season but there
has been sparsely any precipitation from July for years. Resulting from the longer
and longer dry periods, the sinking of the groundwater level became global accom-
panied by nitrification and the gradual decay of the topsoil. Certain reviews say
that the groundwater level in the region lowered by two or three meters on average
in the past ten years and thus the slow desiccation is perpetual (Figure 1).
Kovács, András Donát : Regional Problems of Scattered Farms in the Homokhátság Area in Hungary.
In: Regionality and/or Locality. Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2007. 187-193. p.
Discussion Papers, Special
Although, there are remarkable differences between the notions concerning the
discretion of the factors responsible for the current situation but it is obvious and
accepted for all that the water regime of the area became unstable as a result of the
human interventions affecting it the twentieth century.1 The harmful effects of the
human activities – particularly the inappropriate agricultural methods – have been
pointed out by all studies so far. Even if the experts disagree about the degree of
the negative tendencies and their causes but they all agree that in Hungary the signs
of desiccation are the most intensively observed in the case of the Homokhátság
Figure 1
Mean values of the sub-terrain depth of the groundwater level by hydrological
years between 1934/1935 and 2001/2002 in four wells on the Homokhátság
area in the Danube–Tisza Interfluve and the average trend
Source: Pálfai I.–Bogota T.–Sebesvári J. (2003).
1Alföldi, L. 2004: Megjegyzések a Duna–Tisza köze ökohidrológiai problémáihoz In: Környezetvéde-
lem October.
Kovács, András Donát : Regional Problems of Scattered Farms in the Homokhátság Area in Hungary.
In: Regionality and/or Locality. Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2007. 187-193. p.
Discussion Papers, Special
Environmental conflicts – built environment
It may be generally established with respect to the built environment of the settle-
ments of the area and the buildings of the world of scattered farms that they are
rather miscellaneous, many of them are in a deteriorated and dilapidated state. Sta-
tistics say that 55.6% of the approximately 52 thousand dwelling-houses in the
outskirts in the Homokhátság were built before 1945, another 17.6% in the fol-
lowing one and a half decade and only hardly more than one-quarter between 1960
and 2001. Two-fifths of the külterületi houses (40.3%) are below 60 m2 with one or
two rooms. Almost 25% of the registered dwelling stocks in the outskirts are either
temporarily inhabited or uninhabited. Based on the data of the census in 2001, wa-
ter supply in the households is available only in less than half of the dwelling-
houses in the peripheries (45.5%) and only one-third of them (33.3%) are equipped
with flush toilets. Where the closet is available there are other basic conveniences,
as well; where there is no closet, however, it is not only a technical-infrastructural
deficiency but there are several other related social problems, too. Approximately
10–12% of the farms have no electricity supplies and 3–4% of the permanently
habited farms do not have electricity. The ratio of houses in the peripheries con-
nected to the sewerage network is also very low. Only 1378 of the houses in the
peripheries are equipped with public sewers. Most of these can be found in the
environs of Kecskemét, Kiskunfélegyháza and other middle-sized towns and they
primarily function as homes.2
Chief conflicts of the social environment
The outskirts of the scattered farms involved in the research are perhaps the most
typical with respect to the accumulated disadvantageous peripheral situation, the
peculiarities of poverty and the characteristics of environmental degradation. Al-
though, there are sparsely some sustainable farms and scattered settlement parts in
the peripheries functioning in a relative harmony with their environment, which
created long-term and favourable, conditions for living but on the whole more and
more conflict factors appear. The farm zones bear most of the determining marks
of the peripheral character. The farm areas characterised by low economic com-
petitiveness, high unemployment rate and great migration loss, institutional supply
below the average and population living on declining living standard roughly coin-
cide with the districts of settlements having less developed environmental infra-
The peripheral situation conveys real problems: chronic shortage of capital,
acute employment crisis, social troubles. Most of the farms are located in microre-
2CSO database on peripheries.
Kovács, András Donát : Regional Problems of Scattered Farms in the Homokhátság Area in Hungary.
In: Regionality and/or Locality. Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2007. 187-193. p.
Discussion Papers, Special
gions with a foredoomed “marginal situation” lagging behind in the economic
competition accompanied by aged inhabitants, depopulation, decline in the public
standards of living and drastic deterioration of the state of the natural and built
environment. The regional disparities and the accumulation of the disadvantageous
situation might become stable and the farm settlements and the farms themselves
will be less and less able to move from their current state.
Ways out
The scattered farms in the Homokhátság area are characterised by anachronistic
and imperfectly constructed infrastructure, low economic competitive power, high
unemployment rate, great migration loss, institutional supply below the average,
and consequently declining living standards. Unfortunately, there are plenty of
signs supporting that the socio-economic processes do not facilitate the closing-up
of the Homokhátság area to the more developed regions. If the existing regional
differences continue growing then the areas in question may loose their population.
This process may have an influence on the entire country since the termination of
the special landscape sustaining, economic and cultural functions characterising the
scattered settlements may result in a regional environmental crisis. The support for
the specific Hungarian settlement form and the help for the communities living in
the outskirts are important for the entire society since those who live on the farms
work on extensive areas and manage the environment. The conservation of the
scattered farms in the Homokhátság, therefore, is a significant national task and the
sustaining of the traditional farming methods and the peculiar landscape values are
“vital matters” for thousands of families on the area of the Great Plain.
For the sake of the liquidation of the current situation and the safekeeping of the
farms in the future, a new light must be thrown upon the changes affecting the con-
ditions of the scattered farms. The environmental conflicts of the farms cannot be
studied exclusively in the classic system of environmental protection focusing on
infrastructure. The rehabilitation of the scattered farms on the Great Plain – fol-
lowing modern European style integrated rural development solutions – requires
joint measures. The farms are the structural and functional components of the land-
scapes and settlement environmental complex systems whose sustainability is the
function of several factors.
The ecological reconstruction of the area has become compelling due to the
earlier developed water management problems and the still weltering deterioration
of state. In addition to the further study of the liable causes and the role of the hu-
man interventions, immediate action is needed to change the land use structure, to
increase water retrenchment, and to provide more intensive support for the endeav-
ours to present water supply. This requires incessant analysis, monitoring and
Kovács, András Donát : Regional Problems of Scattered Farms in the Homokhátság Area in Hungary.
In: Regionality and/or Locality. Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2007. 187-193. p.
Discussion Papers, Special
Figure 2
The most important factors of sustainability of Homokhátság from local
and global aspects
Source: Edited by the author.
Kovács, András Donát : Regional Problems of Scattered Farms in the Homokhátság Area in Hungary.
In: Regionality and/or Locality. Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2007. 187-193. p.
Discussion Papers, Special
management of all human active components affecting the state of the water sup-
ply. When searching for the environmental-strategic breakouts, the comprehensive
modernisation of the technical infrastructure, the development of the public light-
ing, road network in the peripheries, gas, telephone and sewage networks and the
management of the communal waste must be given priority.
The settlements of the area need a joint long-term environmental, infrastruc-
tural, agricultural and sylvicultural strategy for the more balanced development and
the intensification of the environmental security. Thus, another precondition for the
more effective action is the local and regional co-operation through which the set-
tlements (taking into consideration the capabilities and the limits) “may share” the
environmental management duties. The environment-conform solutions of the ag-
riculture may become rewarding within the framework of the co-operations. Be-
sides the above listed developments, of course, a modern programme with a social
approach is also needed. The self-governments must join the EU and national pro-
grammes (e.g. LEADER) and they should fully exploit the supports. This necessi-
tates the improvement of the standard of the preparedness and attainments of the
inhabitants and self-governments. The environmental-conscious behaviour on an
improving social level could form the basis of the local and regional environmental
The authors assume that the region – as it had been outlined above – can only
proceed towards sustainability through the closing-up of the scattered farms. Aus-
picious living conditions and a live economy could be created for the inhabitants
partly by relying on the natural potentials, traditions and local knowledge and
partly by exploiting the EU support systems through the modernisation of the inner
resources of the Danube-Tisza Interfluve. This calls for the support of the full con-
struction of the environmental infrastructures, the spread of the environment-con-
form solutions in the agriculture, the harmonisation of nature conservation and
tourism and the creation of an environment-conscious behaviour on all levels.
The conservation of the landscape values and the development of the settle-
ments, the support of the agricultural production fitting the supporting-ability of the
landscape and the creation of the related investment and service activities is a token
of the future for the scattered farms and the entire area.
Farkas, J. Zs.–Kovács A. D. 2006: A homokhátsági tanyás térségek vizsgálata [Research of scattered
farms of the Homokhátság area] Gazdálkodás. 50. 1. 72–80. p.
Pálfai, I.–Bogota, T.–Sebesvári, J. 2003: Vízháztartási változások a Duna–Tisza közi Homokhátságon
[Hidrological changes in Danube–Tisza Interfluve]. In Magyar Hidrológiai Társaság XXI.
Országos Vándorgyőlés CD, Szolnok.