Discussion Papers 2009. No. 70.
Cooperation and Innovativity:
the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation
No. 70
Cooperation and Innovativity:
the Network Foundations of the
Regional System of Innovation
Series editor
Zoltán GÁL
Discussion Papers 2009. No. 70.
Cooperation and Innovativity:
the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation
This paper is based on the ‘Hungarian Academy of Sciences Scholarship Programme for
Young Researchers’, on the project titled ‘Foundation and Operation of Pannon Novum
West-Hungarian Regional Innovation Agency’ announced by the Office of National
Research and Technology and on the programme of ELTE titled ‘Paradigms of Modern
Sociology’ sponsored by the National Research Fund of Hungary. The two-year
scholarship of Universitas-Győr was also a significant contribution to our work.
ISSN 0238–2008
ISBN 978 963 9899 09 4
© Zoltán Csizmadia
© Centre for Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2009 by Centre for Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Printed in Hungary by Sümegi Nyomdaipari, Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Ltd., Pécs.
Discussion Papers 2009. No. 70.
Cooperation and Innovativity:
the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation
1 The basic problem ........................................................................................................ 5
2 The actuality of the issue .............................................................................................. 6
3 Starting point, hypothesis and research topics ............................................................. 7
4 Methodology
5 The four forms of the questionnaire survey on inter-organizational relationships ..... 14
5.1 Directions of cooperation and intensity .............................................................. 14
5.1.1 The spatial differentiation of contacts ..................................................... 17
5.1.2 Information exchange networks .............................................................. 19
6 The network structure of the regional innovation system ........................................... 24
6.1 Centralization ..................................................................................................... 27
6.2 Ego-networks in the network of the regional innovation system ........................ 29
6.3 Beyond the organization – contact points between the types of
organizations in the system ................................................................................. 31
Conclusions ............................................................................................................... 33
References ........................................................................................................................ 34
Annex 1 ............................................................................................................................ 36
Annex 2 ............................................................................................................................ 38
Discussion Papers 2009. No. 70.
Cooperation and Innovativity:
the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation
List of figures
Figure 1 The spatial features of the cooperation contacts of innovative firms
grouped by the seven types of interaction ...................................................... 18
Figure 2 Firm profiles based on the structure of the information contact system......... 21
Figure 3 Interdependency and the indexes of central position in project-based
contacts .......................................................................................................... 28
Figure 4 The size and the density of the actors' ego-network in the innovation
system – interdependency or project oriented cooperation ............................ 30
Figure 5 The density matrix and block network of contacts among the different
institutional types of the system ..................................................................... 32
List of tables
Table 1
The four forms of the questionnaire survey on inter-organizational
relationships ................................................................................................... 11
Table 2
The contact types of the members of the innovation system .......................... 13
Table 3
The probability of occurrence of organization types involved in
development-oriented cooperation ................................................................. 15
Table 4
The frequency of occurrence of innovation-oriented inter-organizational
cooperation relations ...................................................................................... 16
Table 5
The probability of occurrence of the most important information sources
for the enterprise's competitiveness ............................................................... 20
Csizmadia, Zoltán :
Cooperation and Innovativity: the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation.
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 38. p. Discussion Papers, No. 70.
1 The basic problem
The regional process and the homogenous systemic architecture of innovation are
embedded into the context of social contacts and their relevant networks which
fundamentally determines their operation and efficiency. The problem here is that
on the different levels of the domestic environment of innovation we do not have
exact information on the mechanisms of their functional relationship. By moving
off from the theoretical level we have not analysed and have not modelled the real
patterns and configurations of this embedment. Putting in the simplest form of the
major question of research sounds like that: ‘What kind of role do institutional
contacts and their relevant networks play in a region’s skills for innovation?’
In my research I set up two objectives. One is that I would like to explore all
the possible details and interrelations of this embedment (problem exploration
component) within the region by carrying out a series of investigations. On the
other hand on the basis of accumulated experiences I would like to think over all
the necessary steps of future actions (problem solving component). My hypothesis
is that the innovation processes of West-Transdanubia region – the very field of
my research – (and of most parts of Hungary) are based on different type and
purpose innovation cooperation systems grounded on social-institutional rela-
tions but functioning at a moderate intensity only. This statement is valid for the
entrepreneurs’ sector, for its satellite, background and intermediary organisation
system and also for the contact points between the two fields of force. In an eco-
nomic and innovation environment lacking natural resources the utilization of
these endowments is a must. This is the point where I am asking my question:
What are the reasons of this moderate intensity or absence of cooperation or ex-
pressing it in a more sophisticated way – of the random occurrence of coopera-
tion? The truth is that innovation is not an isolated phenomenon therefore its effi-
ciency and success are the results of a coordinated series of actions performed by
several actors. This is a systemic approach to innovation. As the system’s per-
formance depends on the interaction between its components – according to my
hypothesis – even the existence of the regional innovation system is questionable.
Thus, a further clearance of the problem raises the question whether we can speak
of an existing and viable regional innovation system in West-Transdanubia re-
gion? To demonstrate this matter in a simplified approach I am starting from the
assumption that we have no exact information on the system of regional coopera-
tion in Hungary and even do not know what kind of systemic configuration is
made up of them. My assumption is pessimistic and by my paper I would like to
deny that the majority of the segments of Hungarian innovation processes are
isolated or poorly networked which – if this assumption proves to be true – would
be a serious obstacle of competitiveness and a total deadlock from the point of the
development of the whole system. As we will see it later this is a fundamental
Csizmadia, Zoltán :
Cooperation and Innovativity: the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation.
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 38. p. Discussion Papers, No. 70.
principle of innovation policy having been propagated for several years but its
application and implementation in practice are still questionable.
2 The actuality of the issue
Starting from the most comprehensive dimension in socio-theoretical aspect net-
working as a principle and mechanism of social organisation has grown into a
key research issue. ‘The new social morphology of our civilization is built on
networks. The spread of the logic of networking is significantly modifying both
operational mechanisms and results in the processes of production, in social prac-
tice, in power and culture (Castells, 2005; 598). I am now searching for the re-
gional level fingerprints of this new morphology. If networking has an impact on
operational processes, and on results and if joining or leaving the network and the
relative dynamism are the key factors of change, the study of the whole phe-
nomenon on a concrete ‘operational model’ seems to be an exciting task.
We can approach the significance of innovation and innovation related activi-
ties mostly from the viewpoint of economic issues. Nearly in all cases emphasiz-
ing their role in increasing the level of competitiveness is the focal point of all
analyses conducted on international level (World Competitiveness Yearbook
2002; Porter, 1990; Porter–Stern, 2001), national level (Kiss–Pandurics–Lapid,
1997; Papanek, 2006) or regional level (Rechnitzer–Grosz, 2005). By today the
role of contacts, cooperation projects and networking initiatives and structures has
been definitely increased in innovation activities. Nowadays the success of mod-
ern technical solutions to an increasing degree stands or fails on the basis of the
entanglement and mutual linkage of heterogeneous actors with ‘knowledge
The importance of ‘networked cooperation generating and integrating’ knowl-
edge-based innovations can be well measured on international level by the num-
ber of inter-firm technological cooperation projects. A rapid growth in the num-
ber of R&D and technological exchange projects can be observed since the late
70s in international data archives. Besides growth the transformation of the for-
mal mechanism of cooperation into a more heterogeneous structure is another
significant element of innovation oriented cooperation patterns as the structure of
firms showing cooperative attitude towards research and development comprises
now several actors (Hegedoorn–Kranenburg, 2002: 16).
The impacts of the above-mentioned trends of global transformation have
emerged on the national and local levels of innovation policy as well in Hungary.
It is the domestic planning-development policy and its institutional system that
need most of all empirical analysis in this field. All the documents of national and
regional level development deal with innovation related cooperation and its re-
Csizmadia, Zoltán :
Cooperation and Innovativity: the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation.
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 38. p. Discussion Papers, No. 70.
lated organisational-institutional background. It should be considered as an im-
portant reason that in 2002–2003 the building of a national system of innovation
started with the purpose of the ‘economic utilization of innovation’ (Lippényi
2004). Among the objectives to be realised were not only the development of the
institutional system of knowledge transfer, the enhancement of the innovative
skills of SMEs but also fostering cooperation among innovation oriented institu-
tions and companies as well as the systemic development of the regional institu-
tions of innovation [with the purpose of closing up the regions on knowledge
basis]. From an innovation policy and economic development perspective re-
gional level [in our case the territorial integration of several counties] from or-
ganisational-institutional-infrastructural-human-social-cultural (etc.) aspects a
more or less homogenized spatial structure can serve as a basis for a new eco-
nomic (and maybe) a new social organisational force.
3 Starting point, hypothesis and research topics
The description of the Hungarian system of innovation – as a starting point – is
clearly referring to problems and tasks to be solved. The national system of inno-
vation is covering an area of spatially uneven development level. The strong
dominance of Budapest – the capital – cannot be counterbalanced by the largest
regional centres. The largest network structures lining up and serving as an or-
ganisational framework for Hungary’s R&D organisations and companies on
national, regional and local level are missing or underdeveloped. The contacts
between innovation organizations and between companies and innovative institu-
tions have rather an occasional character. Only few organisations are involved in
innovative cooperation projects. We cannot speak of innovation clusters (net-
works) in a real sense. There are only a few cases when a regional level enterprise
is a member of R&D or innovative cluster.
Fostering cooperation between innovation-oriented institutions and firms, and
the systemic development of the regional institutions of innovation are priorities
as it is the region that is the most adequate spatial level of network building and
networking. The development degree of innovation is determined by the ‘intensity
and density’ of contacts between the active, catalysing and cooperative actors of
network. The task therefore is complex as it comprises 1) interconnecting the
existing elements of network 2) setting up the necessary infrastructural back-
ground 3) generating the missing elements and fostering clustering 4) building a
network of business promotion organizations 5) accessing and integration into
international networks (Lippényi, 2004: 4–5).
Csizmadia, Zoltán :
Cooperation and Innovativity: the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation.
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 38. p. Discussion Papers, No. 70.
My investigation is proceeding from four hypotheses:
H1: Social-institutional relations having coordinative role in building various
forms of and functions of inter-firm cooperation have only a limited role
in the innovation processes of Hungarian regions.
H2: If any co-operations exist between companies, companies and research
institutes or between companies and universities they are weak, occa-
sional and unstable.
H3: The majority of innovations are implemented by isolated or weakly con-
nected actors who are rather bilateral cooperation partners than members
of multi-agent cooperation networks.
H4: The embeddedness of knowledge generator and knowledge transfer
organizations into the region’s innovation system is the weakest.
The questions I have formulated for the research are referring to the network
parameters of the actors of the two institutional groups of innovation (company
sector and innovation institutions).
Economic sector
Q1: What parameters does the cooperation system of business organizations
have within the region (size, density, contents, dimensions, directions)?
Q2: Are there any differences between innovative and non-innovative firms
regarding the affinity for cooperation? If yes, what is the size and the
content of this differentiation?
Q3: Can enterprises be categorized regarding the nature of their organiza-
tional network?
Q5: To what extent are innovation cooperation activities are localized?
On systemic level I am investigating the cooperation of the region’s network
of innovative institutions consisting of nearly forty members for assessing their
degree of networking and of their integration into the system.
Q6: Can we speak of a well-functioning, viable regional network which can
be regarded as a complex system of relations?
Q7: If not what factors are hampering the networking process?
Q8: What contacts and cooperation activities are grounding the cohesion
power of the network of innovative institutions? What kind of interrela-
tionship has been formulated between differently functioning organiza-
Q9: What kind of form has the innovation network has been shaped into?
Who are in the centre (who join the threads), and are there any holes or
gaps within the structure?
Q10: How can the relationship structure between the institution blocks be char-
Csizmadia, Zoltán :
Cooperation and Innovativity: the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation.
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 38. p. Discussion Papers, No. 70.
4 Methodology
The two research fields demand two differing survey methods. The survey con-
ducted within the framework of project ‘The Foundation and Operation of Pannon
Novum West-Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency’ by the commission of
the tender of the Office of National Research and Technology the questionnaire
survey of companies prepared by the West-Transdanubian Research Institute CRS
HAS assessed the innovation activity and network capacity of companies operat-
ing in the region (Csizmadia–Grosz, 2007). The survey in the region was made in
the autumn of year 2006. It was gathering information on innovations having been
implemented by West-Transdanubian companies during a three-year period be-
tween 2003 and 2005. The majority of questions inquired about new or signifi-
cantly updated goods or services, about the introduction of new or significantly
updated logistic or diffusion methods and about the introduction of new organiza-
tional-corporate or marketing methods.
In the sampling period we did not intend to provide a comprehensive survey
on the enterprises’ and region’s general situation of innovation by investigating
all the business enterprises. Instead we rather selected a group of firms being pre-
sumably rather more concerned and more active in innovation activities. There-
fore our survey data are not relevant for all enterprises of the region as we rather
focused on a limited scale of ‘highly innovative’ enterprises who according to
their main business profile are more involved in or expected to more actively
participate in innovation. For this reason our survey data are not relevant for the
innovation activities of all the enterprises in the region but they inform us on their
trends in the region’s dominant sectors. There were three outstanding factors
taken into account during the sampling process. One is – as it has just been men-
tioned – the limited scale of enterprises was selected according to their main busi-
ness profile. The other is that micro- and private enterprises employing less than 5
people were excluded from our survey. Besides main sampling another 53 inno-
vative enterprises – selected on the basis of expert proposals – were queried. And
finally, some enterprises operating in certain economic sectors by their main pro-
file were also precluded from the survey. The purpose of all the three set-up crite-
ria was the maximization of the elements of relevant responses so our conclusions
drawn from the representative sample can be generalized only with taking the
above-mentioned sampling criteria into consideration.
Surveying innovation-related activities in the servicing, knowledge generator
and transfer organizations by structured interviews was the project’s other re-
search component. This survey was conducted in the second half of year 2006.1 In
1 An expert meeting cleared the list of interviewees representing the following organization types:
incubator houses, innovation centres, technology transfer centres, competence centres, cluster
organizations, business promotion foundations, chambers of commerce and industry, research
Csizmadia, Zoltán :
Cooperation and Innovativity: the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation.
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 38. p. Discussion Papers, No. 70.
the majority of cases the interviewed persons representing the queried organiza-
tions were the company’s top managers or experts working in the field of innova-
tion services. The list of queried organizations was filtered by network analysis
criteria. Only the most important, existing and not redundant organizations were
interviewed (this means industrial parks, local governments and certain authori-
ties were excluded from the survey. This does not mean their role is unimportant
but the size of network sample had to be kept at a reasonable level). The total
number of queries was 36 in which all the queried persons gave a summary on
their innovation services they rendered and on the parameters of their contacts
and cooperation activities (who they were cooperating with, who they had coop-
erated with in the past, who they were intending to cooperate with in the future,
when they had established their contact, in what concrete forms these contacts had
been realized etc.).
Thus, the research problem this investigation is focusing on can be divided
into two layers: on the one hand it refers to the contacts of firms interpreted as
inter-organizational cooperation where relations refer to social capital as a spatial
resource-configuring element. On the other hand it refers to the regional innova-
tion cooperation network of non-economic actors which is also an indicator of the
organization’s social capital but here the whole structure of contacts is revealed as
well. In both cases we queried the details of contacts maintained with the actors of
the ‘other layer’ to look for the trails of innovation oriented cooperation between
the economic and civil sector. In the research model on the one hand the effect
mechanisms on the other hand the intra- and inter-sectoral (intra-economic and
socio-economic) relations are highlighted.
In my paper I am going to analyze the directions of inter-organizational inte-
grations and the forms of the relation systems resulting from them in a division of
three layers (Table 1). I mean cooperation in this context as innovation-oriented
cooperation (Williams 2005) where inter-organizational contacts are established
through the exchange contacts of autonomous in legal sense and independent
organizations having set up common or complementary targets and they are based
on long-term social relations. In this sense two relational variables can be defined:
we may differentiate R&D-oriented cooperation and other innovation-oriented
The variable of R&D-oriented cooperation indicates which firms have partici-
pated in such cooperation project which has been launched between 2003 and
2005 for developing 1) a new product or service or a significantly enhanced
product or service or 2) a new or significantly enhanced technology, know-how or
application, production system or sales method. The secondary less precise indi-
cator of innovation-related cooperation indicates the existence of cooperation
institutes of cooperation, institutes of higher education, research institutes and other professional
federations, organizations and associations (see Annex, Table 3).
Csizmadia, Zoltán :
Cooperation and Innovativity: the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation.
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 38. p. Discussion Papers, No. 70.
between the region’s enterprises and the other actors of the innovation system in
innovation process but not necessarily in the development process itself. Follow-
ing the suggestions of Ritter and Gemünden (2003) here they can serve as ex-
change and cooperation components of inter-organizational contacts. Here I mean
such a technological, personal and organizational exchange mechanisms (princi-
pally in case of products and services or information and knowledge) which have
an impact on the operation of an enterprise but cannot be regarded as bilateral or
multilateral professional networks.
Table 1
The four forms of the questionnaire survey on inter-organizational relationships
What does it
What conclusion can we
of elements
draw from it?
I R&D-oriented
56 enterprises
Concrete inter-
– The existence, direc-
organizational rela-
tions, number and in-
tensity of contacts
– The composition of the
contact system
– Firm typology
II Innovation-oriented
205 innovative
Concrete inter-
– The existence, direc-
organizational rela-
tions and number of
– The spatiality of coop-
eration contacts
– The composition of the
contact system
– Firm typology
III Information 356 firms, the full The institutional
– The directions, intensity
exchange demand sample
basis of satisfying
and complexity of in-
information de-
formation demands
– The types of informa-
tion contact systems
Source: The author’s own compilation.
The third type of variable is independent from the concrete innovation activity,
so it can be used for an empirical analysis for the whole of the economic sector.
Here we cannot speak of concrete inter-organizational relations, only of their im-
prints. One of the major advantages of networked regional innovation systems is
the efficient utilization of resources flowing between agents having interactive
contacts with each other. Information is one of the most valuable elements of the
flow space of networks. Meanwhile the increasing complexity of the operation
mechanism of enterprises and the increasing degree of specialization increase the
Csizmadia, Zoltán :
Cooperation and Innovativity: the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation.
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 38. p. Discussion Papers, No. 70.
demands for services as well (Burt, 1992). Thus, I am on the opinion that the ac-
cess to information and the finding and the utilization of the most convenient
service providers can be more efficient through building contacts and cooperation
networks which also enables actors for establishing them at the same time. During
the assessment of information demand based relationships all the queried firms
had to evaluate2 twelve different information sources from the aspect how they
are important for their competitiveness. Besides internal information sources
eleven other sources of information were listed on the questionnaire. They cov-
ered all the elements of the innovation system such as market and institutional
source3 but personal contacts and public forums4 were also mentioned on the list.
The directions and composition of the company’s information demands can be
regarded as a variable assessing contact system as it shows who are open at what
agents of the innovation system and at what degree of intensity for the sake of
increasing their own competitiveness.
The relations between the region’s innovation oriented organizations are
making up the second set of relational variables. The interviews revealed more
than 25 forms of contact (Table 2).
The range of interdependency may vary from proprietary relations to the mere
exchange of information or professional cooperation. There can be three types of
relationship differentiated which involves a kind of ranking sequence regarding
the degree of interdependency.
In case of ‘interdependency’ the interconnection of proprietary, checking and
coordinating licenses stands as a basis and it can further be enhanced by the layers
of project and information-based relationship. ‘Project based’ inter-organizational
relationship is an interconnection stemming from some kind of common activities
for a definite period of time for performing partial or complex tasks. The ‘info-
professional’ linkages are presumably the most frequent channels of relationship
in the system, which do not even require setting up a common, coordinated target.
By simplifying the real picture and interpreting it as a model we can observe
the simultaneous presence of three ‘forces’ in the networking process of the sys-
tem. In certain cases corporate interdependency (proprietorship, overriding deci-
sion and coordination, funding etc.) serve as a ground for the coordination of ac-
tivities. Furthermore, on the basis of external and internal motivations – incited
and coordinated through a tendering system – temporary projects act as coordi-
nating and tuning forces in the region. And finally for increasing the efficiency of
the members and of the info-professional flow tracks are lubricating the operation
2 The degree of importance was grouped into three categories: the contribution of the given
information source to the firm’s competitiveness could be high, medium or low.
3 Customers, suppliers, other entrepreneurs, universities, innovation and technology centres,
business promotional and professional organizations.
4 Conferences, fairs and displays, scientific and professional publications.
Csizmadia, Zoltán :
Cooperation and Innovativity: the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation.
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 38. p. Discussion Papers, No. 70.
of the whole machinery in which the communication mechanisms necessary for
the performance of own tasks are the most frequently occurring elements. The
initial structure of all the relations of the network (307 links) provides a lot of the
probability occurrence of the three types of relations. Of them interdependency is
the least frequent (16%), 41% of the total relationships is project based while
another 43% of interrelationships has info-professional character only.
Table 2
The contact types of the members of the innovation system
Relationship type
1 Interdependency
Proprietary rights, founder, associated partner
formal, contract-
Involved in the organization’s management by
based, strictly regu-
position (personally or as head of organization) –
e.g. trustee, committee chairman
it may occur that it
General meetings, chairman sessions (for the
works only formally
county or regional level coordination of network)
or documented in
Funding, crediting and capital investment
papers only
Place holding, Office rent
2 Project based
Common tender, consortium membership, tender co-influence of
cooperation activi-
opening and evaluation, tender support
formal and informal
Consultancy rights and function
Cooperation for organization development
the tightest
Service contacts
predefined timescale
3 Info –professional General meetings, discussions, lectures, profes-
the most frequent
sional consultations (conferences, workshops,
businessman meetings etc.)
do not necessarily
Regular exchange of information, bulletin,
require institutional
publications, running a website etc.
Partner finding services, institutional representa-
more ad-hoc charac-
tion, introduction and promotion of institution
serves as a basis for
Note: Obviously interdependency and project-based relationships comprise info-professional rela-
tions as well. Thus, this linkage indicates that only these forms of relationship occur while in
case of the other two relationship types they are preconditions standing on the basis of common
activities or interests.
Source: A survey on the innovation supply side of West-Transdanubia region, 2006.
Csizmadia, Zoltán :
Cooperation and Innovativity: the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation.
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 38. p. Discussion Papers, No. 70.
5 Inter-organizational networks in the corporate sector
5.1 Directions of cooperation and intensity
13% of the enterprises of our sample were involved in the cooperative develop-
ment of products or processes during the past three years. In the supplementary
sample of our innovation survey this rate increased to 30%. If we look at innova-
tive firms only then every fourth enterprises are involved in it. And finally if we
look at those firms only that implemented any product or process innovation the
ratio of companies with cooperation related contacts reaches the figure of 33%.
Of the 205 enterprises regarded as innovative in our survey 56 reported on some
kind of development-oriented cooperation in the research period. In the further
part of my analysis I will concentrate on this special group only and my state-
ments will be relevant to this group, instead of the full circle of entrepreneurs.
Let us start from the probability of occurrence of the different organization
types (Table 3). It refers to the role of the different institutions of the innovation
system in developments. Most of them are grounding their new product or process
innovation on their own supplier contacts. They can be regarded the most impor-
tant cooperation partners in the relation system of innovations. Customers/clients
have moderate but still important role in innovation-oriented networking as they
got involved into it at 40% of the enterprises. Cooperation within a firm group is
regarded as a special case (36%). The region’s knowledge generator and transfer
institutions and innovation-oriented organizations have much less weight in the
development oriented contact system of enterprises. 20% of the queried 56 firms
cooperated with a university or with a kind of expert or research-development or-
ganization and only 16% reported on cooperation with innovation centres or busi-
ness promotion foundations.
The results make it clear that 1) the majority of enterprises is a ‘lonely wolf’
implementing their innovation projects on the basis of their own resources; 2) if
the region’s typical firm is not the only one who implements innovation it can
predominantly count on its own major business partners: suppliers and custom-
ers. All the other components have only marginal role in the innovation system.
The complexity degree of development-oriented networks tells a lot of informa-
tion on the structure of cooperation chains. This value is not very high. 40% of
firms cooperated with maximum one organization and another 20% cooperated
with maximum two partners during the development of a product or manufactur-
ing process.
Not only the number of businesses involved in development-oriented coopera-
tion is low but also if we ever can speak of such inter-organizational relations in
the majority of cases they cannot be regarded as a complex system. At most com-
panies a development oriented contact system is not unidirectional but as it can be
Csizmadia, Zoltán :
Cooperation and Innovativity: the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation.
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 38. p. Discussion Papers, No. 70.
seen supplier and client/customer centred. Those who have only unidirectional
contacts within innovation system are cooperating with their own suppliers only.
Only one fourth of the queried firms can build complex structured contact sys-
tems. To sum it up we say that the number of innovation-oriented contacts tar-
geted at the realization of common development projects is low, contacts are one-
dimensional and built on already existing supplier and customer relations. The
other actors of the innovation system (especially knowledge generator and trans-
fer organizations) are only in a few cases have key position in the networks of
Table 3
The probability of occurrence of organization types involved in development-
oriented cooperation
What type of organization did your organization cooperate with during
Yes, %
development process?
Clients or customers
Other enterprises within the firm group
Universities, colleges
Experts, private R&D institutions
Innovation and technology centres, business promotion organizations
Public research institutes
Source: A corporate survey on the innovation activity of the enterprises of West-Transdanubia,
The expanded version of our survey on innovation projects is investigating any
kinds of interdependency among 205 innovation-oriented enterprises. We did not
inquire about the ‘details of the exchange action’ the sole criteria’ of inclusion
was that the enterprise should report us the type of its innovation-related partners.
The probability of occurrence of partners in this case was similar to the values of
our limited survey (Table 4). Here the frequency of the occurrence of market-
oriented contacts is the highest. 75% of enterprises did not build their contacts on
knowledge (university and research expertise) and neither on innovation and
business promotion institutes who were also excluded from their network building
A kind of layer scheme can be outlined on the basis of the complexity of con-
tacts. 11% of contacts are isolated and more than 40% is oriented towards con-
centrated cooperation by building relations in one direction. In the institutional
sphere 15% of the total firms had complex structural cooperation activities. These
Csizmadia, Zoltán :
Cooperation and Innovativity: the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation.
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 38. p. Discussion Papers, No. 70.
results are verifying the prognosis set up in the earlier part of this paper. The ma-
jority of the region’s enterprises are not embedded into the wider system of inno-
vation beyond the economic sector not even through a bilateral form of interde-
pendency. For us comprehensive and complex contacts are important. In their
characteristics there are several significant differences at many points. Companies
seated in big cities are over-represented (90%) and 40% of firms with complex
contact systems receive more than one billion HUF gross revenue annually (their
ratio is 17% in the total sample). 65% of the total 17 innovative big firms have a
complex or comprehensive contact system. On the basis of a combined firm ty-
pology based on the sum of annual gross revenue and on the number of employ-
ees we must say that the role of gross revenues is very important in contact
building. Among micro, small and medium-sized enterprises firms with compre-
hensive and complex contact system were over-represented in all cases.
Table 4
The frequency of occurrence of innovation-oriented inter-organizational
cooperation relations
Directions of inter-organizational innovation-related cooperation relations
Suppliers of equipment, materials, spare parts or software
Clients or customers
Competitors or other enterprises within the sector
Experts, private R&D institutions
Universities, colleges
Innovation and technology centres, business promotion organizations
Public research institutes
Had no contacts with any organizations between 2003 and 2005
Source: A corporate survey on the innovation activity of the enterprises of West-Transdanubia,
From the point of innovation system I would like to highlight two tendencies.
The integration between the corporate and the innovation service provider,
knowledge generator and transfer sector can clearly been identified through two
very different set of actors. The present key players here are big firms and small-
sized, knowledge intensive development companies. In their case the frequency of
occurrence of cooperation strategies involving not only customers and clients but
also research institutes, universities, innovation and technology centres into their
action plans is one and a half – twice higher than the average.
Csizmadia, Zoltán :
Cooperation and Innovativity: the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation.
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 38. p. Discussion Papers, No. 70.
5.1.1 The spatial differentiation of contacts
The spatial breakdown of cooperation contacts between each institute is also
worth for analysis. This is necessitated by the fact that the entirely different func-
tional elements of the innovation system might show a totally differing spatial
concentration. To make it simple the question in this context is where the coop-
eration partners of firms are located (Figure 1).5
The enterprises integrating into the regional system of innovation have very
different parameters of spatial distribution and the spatial features of their con-
tacts targeted at different types of institutions also show very differing patterns. In
case of the companies of business sector supplier and client contacts are predomi-
nantly bilateral. In their case the frequency of occurrence of regional and foreign
partners is the highest. R&D institutions have more or less an equal rate of con-
tacts with regional level and national level partners. Spatial proximity, the knowl-
edge and supply profile tailored to local facilities and demands are very important
factors of universities and innovation institutions. In this aspect more than 60% of
enterprises have contacts with the region’s institutions only (and in case of con-
tact building with universities this figure goes up to 72%).
To put it simple three spatial organization schemes can be set up in this con-
text. 1) In the most frequent inter-firm market oriented cooperation scheme two
firm groups can be differentiated. The first group (42% 46%) has innovation co-
operation partnership with suppliers or clients within their own region only. The
second group (30% 30%) has a spatially complex cooperation system expanding
up to international dimensions. 2) Both public and private research organizations
have partners from other regions of Hungary and 28% of private R&D organiza-
tions have even foreign partners. 3) From the point of regional innovation system
it might be very important that the majority of economic actors cooperating with
universities, innovation and technology centres, business promotion organizations
(21–24%) have so far established contacts with those operating in their own re-
gion. This is the field where space has the strongest impact on contact building
and development. Presumably the value of local tacit knowledge, of special ex-
pertise and of interpersonal relations is dominating in building such types of con-
5 The data of the spatial breakdown of contact forms can be categorized into four spatial categories
but they are not exclusive. The ‘dominantly other region’ label truly means that the firm has no
partners in the region, the ‘everywhere in the country’ label means a homogenous country-wide
dimension of contacts while the ‘in foreign countries as well’ category refers to such firms that
have cooperation partners in all the four spatial categories.
Csizmadia, Zoltán :
Cooperation and Innovativity: the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation.
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 38. p. Discussion Papers, No. 70.
Figure 1
The spatial features of the cooperation contacts of innovative firms grouped
by the seven types of interaction*
Innovation and
R&D (state owned) 8%
Centre 21%
University 24%
R&D (private)
Supplier 75%
Other company
Relative frequency of partners
Location of partners
Max. 20%
Client 74%
Other part of the country
Min. 60%
* The name of interaction type is followed by its full occurrence ratio. The arrows indicate how
much percentage of enterprises has cooperation partners in different spatial categories (going out-
side from inside: region, country, foreign countries). For example 60% of those firms that had
contacts with universities had this partnership with a higher education institute within their region.
Source: A corporate survey on the innovation activity of the enterprises of West-Transdanubia,
Csizmadia, Zoltán :
Cooperation and Innovativity: the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation.
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 38. p. Discussion Papers, No. 70.
5.1.2 Information exchange networks
Information flows through networks. The access to new, up to date information
influences the total palette of economic activities. Today the mechanisms and
structures providing quick, fresh and not redundant knowledge and information
for institutions are considered as key resources of power and their importance has
significantly increased. Bogatti and Fosters (2003) labelled them and their re-
searches as ‘access to resources’. Mark Granovetter (2005) researching the im-
pacts of networks on economic processes considers a major argument that they
are influencing the flow and quality of information. Ronald S. Burt (1992) ana-
lysing the social structure of competition demonstrated that a network having
been built on inter-organizational relations is valuable itself as it creates informa-
tion and information-related advantages for the actors adequately embedded into
the system.
For these reasons I would like to continue the presentation of the network
building activity of the region’s enterprises by typifying their demands for contact
through their ‘degree of hunger for information’. Assessing the demand for in-
formation by the hunger for information means measuring the degree how much
importance do firms attach – with the purpose of preserving their competitiveness
– to such information sources as customers, suppliers, universities, research in-
stitutes, consulting and development organizations, professional federations etc.
The data collected help us to understand the characteristic features of relation
(information exchange) serving as a basic texture for the interdependency of
knowledge generator, consulting and developmental organizations.
Information sources are structured in a surprisingly diverse way in the region
(Table 5). Most firms use personal contacts i.e. interpersonal relations and the
notes and remarks of their own clients/customers for gathering new information,
for orientation and for decision-making (concrete elements of the content of in-
formation were not specified). A great number of enterprises consider the role of
professional forums, fairs, publications, suppliers, other firms in the firm group
and other players within the sector also very important. These are signs indicating
a normal/expectable functioning in the economic sector. The rank of distribution
is highlighting the weak points of the system as well because 75-80% of firms do
not pay any attention for universities, research institutes, consulting and develop-
mental organizations. These firms have not been embedded into this very impor-
tant, new and increasingly dynamic network of information flow. The region's
typical enterprise for the sake of preserving its own competitiveness focuses on its
interpersonal network resources and – from functional aspects – on partners: cli-
ents and suppliers.
The affinity for innovation significantly differentiates the demand for contacts
manifesting in the demand for information. On the one hand almost every chan-
Csizmadia, Zoltán :
Cooperation and Innovativity: the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation.
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 38. p. Discussion Papers, No. 70.
nels of information – the breakdown percentages are higher and on the other hand
their information background is more complex. Big firms' hunger for information
is much different (bigger) and built on a more heterogeneous resource base with a
more complex structure of an average market-oriented viewpoint of a regional
level enterprise. The difference is extremely big in the complexity of information
channels where more than 20% of non-innovative enterprises did not use any
information sources at all.
Table 5
The probability of occurrence of the most important information sources for the
enterprise's competitiveness (N=303)
Information sources
Personal contacts, acquaintances
Clients or customers
Scientific journals and professional/technical publications
Member firms of the enterprise or firm group
Suppliers of equipment, materials, spare parts or software
Conferences, trade fairs, displays
Competitors or other enterprises within the sector
Professional or industrial federations
Experts, private R&D institutions
Universities, colleges
Innovation and technology centres, business promotion organizations
Public research institutes
Source: A corporate survey on the innovation activities of the enterprises of West-Transdanubia
region 2006.
We will get a more complex image on the degree and structure of embedded-
ness into information networks if we sort the queried enterprises by the impor-
tance attitude attached to the different sources of information. This we call as the
structure of information system and it can be assumed that the sample can be di-
vided into separate, homogenous clusters with homogenous firm profiles. By
cluster analysis we can differentiate eight groups in the full database of firms
(Figure 2).6
6 The values indicated on the axis of the web diagram are indicating the importance of the types of
institutions – as information sources – from the aspect of competitiveness/innovativeness of firms.
(1= plays no role; 4=plays an important role). Thus, higher values can also indicate the intensity of
information flow related interdependency. The higher this value is the greater is the importance the
Csizmadia, Zoltán :
Cooperation and Innovativity: the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation.
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 38. p. Discussion Papers, No. 70.
Figure 2
Firm profiles based on the structure of the information contact system*
Spider – 6%
Market-oriented integrator – 5%
Prof essional
Prof essional
IC or DA
IC or DA
R&D state owned
R&D private
R&D state owned
R&D private
Client-oriented developer – 4%
Open manufacturer – 12%
Prof essional
Prof essional
IC or DA
IC or DA
R&D state owned
R&D private
R&D state owned
R&D private
enterprise attaches to the type of organization from the point of its own competitiveness. The eight
groups were separated from each other by cluster analysis (two-means cluster) by the application
of seven ordinal measure level contact variables. The ‘R&D private’ label marks private funded
research-development organizations and consultants while the ‘R&D public’ label refers to public
research institutes, research groups; Professional = professional and industrial federations;
Innovation/Development = innovation and technology centres, business promotion organizations.
Csizmadia, Zoltán :
Cooperation and Innovativity: the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation.
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 38. p. Discussion Papers, No. 70.
Closed manufacturer – 23%
Client-oriented service activity – 19%
Prof essional
Prof essional
IC or DA
IC or DA
R&D state owned
R&D private
R&D state owned
R&D private
Moderately isolated professional – 13%
Island – 18%
Prof essional
Prof essional
IC or DA
IC or DA
R&D state owned
R&D private
R&D state owned
R&D private
Source: A corporate survey on the innovation activity of the firms of West-Transdanubia region,
The structural differences of contact systems built on demands for information
are matching with the earlier conclusions drawn from the spatial breakdown data.
10% of firms in the region can be defined to have a complex information system.
The 'Spider' is such an enterprise which intensively builds on institutionalized
information contacts and considers multi-lateral connections very important for
information flow. Market ‘Integrato' has a similar structure but attaches lower
importance to universities and public research institutes and preferably involves
private firms into its development projects. The 'Customer Oriented Developer’s
(4%) information contact system is unilateral: it considers universities, research
institutes and customers the only important sources of information.
Csizmadia, Zoltán :
Cooperation and Innovativity: the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation.
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 38. p. Discussion Papers, No. 70.
In the rest of groups the information source base structure gets simplified (as
only one or no axis shows intensive demand for information). The ‘Producer’
type enterprise primarily focuses on its customers and suppliers: one fourth of the
queried firms are ‘Closed Producers’ as their activity is based on such informa-
tion sources. 12% are ‘Open Producers’ as their information providers are several
types of institutional contacts but they preserve the high importance of internal
market zone (especially customers are important for them). The typical ‘Service
Provider’ type actors (19%) on the one hand consider information flow important
on the side of their customers and professional organizations but they neglect
building contacts with the organizations of the knowledge generator, consulting
and development sector. ‘Profession oriented’ enterprises (13%) are not fully
isolated, their demand for information flow is low, they use only the information
channels of professional organizations, production oriented suppliers or customers
but they do not appreciate them too high from the point of competitiveness. ‘Is-
lands’ (18%) are such lonely wolf firms that do not see any importance in any
institutional info contacts and keep themselves intact from them or at least they
refrain from the complex information packages flowing in the economic sector.
The structure shaping up from the different directions of contacts can roughly
be summarized as follows: 10% of enterprises have complex information back-
ground and 15% use the facilities of knowledge generator and transfer organiza-
tions intensively as additional sources. The dominant behaviour in the majority of
cases is openness towards the actors closely bound to the firm’s activity (35%).
20% of the participants of survey are customer oriented firms and about 30% are
definitely isolated, lonely wolves building only occasional channels of profes-
sional information. The forms of structure – although they are not exact copies of
the cooperation contact system – are suitable for expressing the openness and ori-
entation of the actors of the economic sectors. On estimation level on the basis of
the given proportions there is a possibility to build a classification system on the
region’s economic actors by their demands and affinity for cooperation. On the
basis of this assumption it seems perhaps not an unrealistic deduction that the
majority of firms (55%) may be interested in participating in producer-servicing
networks and a rather significant group (30%) is maintaining a dominantly iso-
lated activity and only 10–15% have a complex structured cooperation network
The characteristic features of these firms are differing in many aspects. There
seems to be a correlation between the affinity for innovation and the structure of
information basis. In the first three firm groups the proportion of innovative firms
is above 70%. The revenues of spiders and integrators with complex demands for
information and with built on complex information systems are the highest, they
have high demands for skilled labour and their research-development expendi-
tures are also by far higher than the average. In the group of spiders the ratio of
Csizmadia, Zoltán :
Cooperation and Innovativity: the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation.
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 38. p. Discussion Papers, No. 70.
small enterprises and in the group of integrators the ratio of big firms is higher
than the average. In the big producers’ group there is also some correlation be-
tween the affinity for innovation and the demand for information. Among other
producer firms the ratio of innovative and high-skilled employees and research
expenditures is by far higher than the average. Closed producer firms are smaller
with lower income and under average parameters of innovation. In the schematic
structure of information demands it is the group of isolated lonely wolves (the last
two groups) who have the lowest number of innovative enterprises with by far
lower than the average R&D expenditures.
6 The network structure of the regional innovation system
Mapping the contacts of the region's enterprises helped me to detect interactions
within the economic sector and the special features of contacts targeted at other
actors of the system but did not help in analysing the structural features of the
whole system. This task can be performed on the provider/supply side of the inno-
vation system. Thus, I am going to give an overview on such inter-organizational
cooperation activities which may be involved in innovation or participating in
research-development processes (e.g. universities, research institutes) or support-
ing, facilitating (innovation centres, technology centres, business promotion or-
ganizations, chambers), coordinating (development agencies, innovation agen-
cies) or forming such networks which integrate all the actors of an economic sec-
tor (clusters). The corporate survey was targeted at verifying that the connection
between the economic and the public sector is weak and casual and the transfer
and division of resources on system level is inappropriate therefore all these are
hindering the integration and networking of the regional innovation system. My
analysis of the 'service' sector is starting from the assumption that the interrela-
tionship between non-economic components and structures is treated as a com-
prehensive network which is also influencing the efficiency of innovation proc-
esses. Thus, this organization system should also clarify its relations as this can
serve as a basis for a future network.
Before the empirical analysis of the network it is necessary to take a short
turn-out. The typifying of interdependencies highlighted the importance of the
different competition based and organizational type relations. They reorganize
both the activity and information based relations and their dynamic development
started during the past few years as a result of the 'reform' of the Hungarian inno-
vation system. Practically we are talking of such top-down interventions which -
as a regional imprint of interventions taken for the development of the national
innovation system – generated changes in the organization and development of
the network (Lippényi–Imre–Peredy, 2006: 47–52). The 'reform programmes'
Csizmadia, Zoltán :
Cooperation and Innovativity: the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation.
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 38. p. Discussion Papers, No. 70.
launched during the last two or three years reconfigured the earlier structure of the
regional innovation system through two mechanisms. On the one hand a funda-
mental restructuring can be seen on the level of network members which can be
interpreted as an extension of the network. On the other hand such fundraising,
distributional and controlling mechanisms were introduced in decentralized forms
which generate new roles and the driving engine of cooperation can work not only
on the level of research-development but of the coordination system as well.
The comprehensive reform of the innovation system started in year 2003. In
2003 an Act was passed on the Research and Technology Innovation Fund
(KTIA). This is a separate government fund consisting of company contributions
(in 2006 this was 0.3% of their total annual turnover) and from matching govern-
ment funding. As companies can reduce their due contributions to the Innovation
Fund by the sum of expenditures spent on their own or ordered from public or
non-profit research institute R&D activities the number of R&D profiled institu-
tions quickly started to grow and a more intensive cooperation started between the
economic and research sectors. Thus, the number of system members and the
affinity for cooperation may gradually increase. On 1st January 2005 the 2004
CXXXIV Act on Research-development and Technology came into force. This is
Hungary's first innovation act facilitating research-development, technology in-
novation and the utilization of results comprehensively by several provisions. I
would like to highlight the importance of provisions targeted at the funding of
innovation and at the utilization of results for intensifying cooperation within the
framework of the regional innovation system.
In year 2004 not only new legal regulations but also new actors emerged in in-
novation policy. The Science and Technology Policy Council (TTPK) is the top
level governmental forum of science, technology and innovation policy. The Na-
tional Office for Research and Technology (NKTH) with national authority scope
considers the improvement of the regional system of innovation with the en-
hancement of cooperation between the knowledge and business sector its most
important task. The Research Technology and Innovation Council (KTIT) is re-
sponsible for the planning, operation and utilization issues of the Fund. And fi-
nally, the Office of Research-development, Competition and Research Exploita-
tion (KPI, operating since the August of 2003) is managing the innovation pro-
grammes of KTIA and GVOP [Economic Competitiveness Operative Pro-
From the perspective of this research the reforms having been introduced on
regional level are the most important issues and they created new actors and di-
rections of cooperation during the past few years. The presentation of secondary
data revealed spatial disparities in the elements of the national innovation system.
As it has negative impacts on the development of the whole national economy an
increasing attention is paid for developing the region's innovative skills. This
Csizmadia, Zoltán :
Cooperation and Innovativity: the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation.
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 38. p. Discussion Papers, No. 70.
means more or less a series of simultaneous strategic interventions. One of the
most important ones affects KTI Fund as 25% of resources should be utilized for
regional-level purposes. This is a known regional basic problem as it may force
regional cooperation as a measure for tackling economic development problems
arising from living in an environment poorly provided with resources.
In 2004 two programmes of key importance were launched for creating an in-
stitutional and instrumental system facilitating knowledge generation and transfer
(2006; 51). The Pázmány Péter Programme by stimulating the utilization of the
university's R&D results and cooperation with the industrial sector enters new
actors into the network through university knowledge centres (RET) which is in
this way can influence the direction of contact schemes and their composition.
The establishment of the network of regional innovation agencies is a key ele-
ment in the Baross Gábor Regional Development Programme. Since the end of
year 2004 the system has been expanded by such a new actor which stimulates the
cooperation of the R&D and entrepreneurial sectors by providing information and
various innovation services. The Innocsekk Programme which started in 2005 is
also targeted at stimulating regional cooperation through providing support to
micro and small enterprises who are engaged in innovation related initiatives.
And finally, the role of regional innovation development programme package
should be mentioned here as it provides a chance for regions to determine their
own development priorities in the awareness of their own local circumstances so
‘it depends on the regions' own activities how much support they will receive
from the regional resources of the Technology Innovation Fund and how they will
use it for increasing their own competitiveness’ (2006: 52).
Institutes of higher education and research centres are the oldest players in the
system. The chambers' network and the institutes of business promotion were
established in every county in the first half of the 1990s. Innovation centres and
regional development institutes entered into the system in the second half of the
1990s not much earlier before the millennium. This means that one part of the
institutions of innovation has at least 8–10 years of experience and they put such
amount of knowledge and competence portfolio into the innovation network.
These organizations in fact belong to the historical core of innovation network.
The clusters, competence and knowledge centres attached to universities are new,
just formulating so in this way they are just 'way seeker' types of organizations.
Consequently, research is done not of just on the network which is not only a
structurally complex and heterogeneous system but also has a chronologically
divided structure.
Csizmadia, Zoltán :
Cooperation and Innovativity: the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation.
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 38. p. Discussion Papers, No. 70.
6.1 Centralization
The analysis of network positions was always a cardinal issue in the complex
structured attitude of network analysis. The identification of the central elements
of network and the impacts of the over-centralized structure are unavoidable is-
sues in a general analysis. The question here is that who are the key players of
innovation cooperation network and of the system formulating from it and what is
the centralization degree of the whole network?
The literature reviewing the interrelations between network structure and po-
sitions in the network and affinity for cooperation shows several proofs. Gulati
and Ganguilo (1999) referred to the fact that the probability of cooperation in-
creases if there is a common partner between the two partner institutions. In this
way the key players are intermediaries who can push the different players of the
system towards cooperation by their pure existence and their extensive ego-net-
works. They also proved that central position in the network increases the prob-
ability of their own cooperation. Moreover, key players prefer cooperating be-
tween each other. Williams (2005) approached this question from another aspect
and surveyed more factors such as formalization, density and stability. He was on
the opinion that over-centralization and concentrated power in the network would
decrease the chances of cooperation due to the companies’ striving for autonomy.
It is evident that the first opinion is more relevant for an institution while the sec-
ond one better fits for networks as a whole. If we get acquainted with the key
players of the system we will get a more detailed impression on the hardcore
group who have greater affinity for cooperation. If we get exact information on
the degree of the networks' full centralization it will be possible to decide whether
the presented institutional structure works for or against cooperation.
I apply the three classical, most frequently used basic indexes in my analysis
which starting from the number of the degrees of proximity and of transitions will
give a standardized transition index of the whole network and of the members.
During the definition of indicator figures let us start from three assumptions. 1)
The value of the degree is correlating with the central role. Innovation organiza-
tions having extensive contact relations within the network play more important
role within the whole structure. 2) Those players have central role who are the
closest to the other members of network from the point of accessibility. This
means they have not only many direct contacts but also their indirect contacts are
short in such a sense that they do not need many intermediaries. 3) A player is
successful in the network because it plays intermediary role either between two
members or between two groups. Thus it takes such a position where his role is
indispensable therefore just cannot be avoided. It seems evident that by the three
methods we can identify the central players of the network by different aspects.
With the simultaneous application of these methods it can more clearly be seen
Csizmadia, Zoltán :
Cooperation and Innovativity: the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation.
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 38. p. Discussion Papers, No. 70.
who play the role of core organization within the cooperation network of the re-
gion's innovation system (Figure 3).
In the network of concrete cooperation contacts the centralization indexes are
relatively higher so the centralization of the network should be accepted as a fact.
There are significant differences in the positions of organizations within the sys-
tem. A small group bears extraordinarily high values while the majority – I mean
the peripheral zone of the figures – cannot be regarded as key players in fact. It is
clearly seen that the majority of educational, research and cluster type organiza-
tions are in peripheral position by all the three aspects. On the given organiza-
tional level the nucleus of the network consists of developmental organizations of
some active chambers, business promotion organizations, innovation centres and
cluster organizations.
Figure 3
Interdependency and the indexes of central position in project-based contacts
Degree centrality-DC
Network centralization
Average centralization
index 0.254
Smallest 0.056
Biggest 0.667
Source: A survey on the innovation supply side of West-Transdanubia region.
Csizmadia, Zoltán :
Cooperation and Innovativity: the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation.
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 38. p. Discussion Papers, No. 70.
I would like to emphasize that there are significant differences even among
central positioned organizations in indexes and the West Pannonian Regional
Development Agency has an outstanding role in cooperation organization show-
ing high values in all the three indexes. The simplicity of the picture results from
the fact that the majority of central players as members of the innovation agency
have close contacts with each other formulating an internal network within the
network system. Thus, as a whole the system's central players can be identified by
relations standing on the basis of institutional cooperation and originating from
the requirements of competition and support schemes. There are extremely big
differences among members in the university and research sector and the newly
formed clusters are not valid network points.
Concerning the centralization parameters of the system's interdependencies I
would like to call the attention for two important characteristic features: 1) There
are no signs of independent from innovation policy incentive cooperation con-
figurations in the system. If there were any then centralization index values would
be more equalized. 2) Whatever network dimension is taken as a basis and what-
ever centralization index is applied the players of the education and professional
training sectors (here I mean not only university knowledge centres of coopera-
tion research) are rather only joint agents of the central core structure but they
cannot be considered as integral parts of it.
6.2 Ego-networks in the network of the regional innovation system
The characteristic features of the direct contact system can also be analyzed by
taking both the degree (the number of contacts) and the density of ego-networks
(the probability value of cooperation between partners) into consideration. By the
application of such method several cooperation contact patterns can be identified:
1) complex but of low density; 2) complex and of high density; 3) small but
dense; 4) small and low density ego-networks can be formulated in the region
(Figure 4).
By following a vertical logic the density of the organizations' direct individual
contact system can be grouped into three categories: below average, average and
very high density ego-network. The differentiating feature here is the intensity of
cooperation in the organization's contact scheme. Naturally it really matters how
big the network is – this is the reason why making a horizontal differentiation is
necessary. Eight organizations types can be separated in the lower left corner of
the figure (university, research-development and cluster sectors) integrate into the
network of the regional system through no or very few contacts but their partners
are isolated from each other. In the upper left corner of the figure we can also find
members of the network with low number of contacts but the density of their ego-
Csizmadia, Zoltán :
Cooperation and Innovativity: the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation.
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 38. p. Discussion Papers, No. 70.
networks is very high therefore they have partners of similar indicator values who
also cooperate with each other (here we mean an approximately 60% network
density indicator). Typical organizations with average indexes are located in the
central zone. As it is expected the density of the ego-network of central positioned
organizations cannot be too high due to their known summarized parameters (the
blank zone in the upper right corner). For an easier interpretation of the different
configurations of ego-networks I would like to cite just some examples: the Pan-
non Automotive Cluster's (C-PANAC) own cooperation system is built on higher
than the average number of cooperating partners who also cooperate with each
Figure 4
The size and the density of the actors' ego-network in the innovation system
– interdependency or project oriented cooperation
5 db
9 db
15 db
4 db
Legend: average size (degree) 9, average density 45%. Dot sizes mark different organization types.
Source: A survey on the innovation supply side of West-Transdanubia region, 2006.
Csizmadia, Zoltán :
Cooperation and Innovativity: the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation.
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 38. p. Discussion Papers, No. 70.
The Zala County Business Promotion Foundation (U_ZMV_A) plays a central
role in the system because on the one hand it plays an intermediary role among
partners isolated from each other. The Regional Development Agency (F_FRFU)
has contacts with almost every actor and for this reason its ego-network cannot be
very dense. The Material and Product Testing Laboratory of West-Hungarian
University (T_FAIMEI) cooperated with four organizations only but this network
consists of partners cooperating with each other as well. As a whole, the ego-
network structure of system members is not homogenous and it has not a strong
correlation with the organization profile either. The low angle of regression line
indicates weak relation between size and density in the network.
6.3 Beyond the organization – contact points between the types of
organizations in the system
The cooperation matrix between the 37 queried organizations can be suitable for
an empirical description and interpretation of the patterns of the intra- and inter-
sectoral cooperation in the region. In other words: we transform the network into
a simpler form where instead of the earlier 37 actors we work with seven, namely
with seven types of organizations. The relations between the organizational seg-
ments of the innovation system are generated by the aggregation of inter-organ-
izational relations. On this level of the network we can find an answer for the
question, how the internal and inter-organizational cooperation affinity of differ-
ent organization types look like on the level of closer cooperation contacts. The
block model analysis was introduced by White – Boorman – Breiger in the 1970s
(1976)7. In our network the following criteria can be applied. The density of the
network is 25.4%. In this circumstance we assume any contact between two or-
ganizational segments if between all of its members more than 25.4% of all the
possible relations are realized. To put it simple if the probability of interdepen-
dency between the two segments is higher than the average value measured for
the whole network.
The answer for our original question may be found in the contact network
shaping out from the new block matrix. Thus our target is checking the fragmen-
tation degree of inter-organization relations within the regional innovation system
7 To put it simple it means that the members of the network are divided into structurally equivalent
positioned parts – blocks – and these equivalent 'classes' are named as positions – then by the
application of a so-called block model analysis we map the strength of bindings between positions.
Several criteria exist for the identification of bindings within and among blocks. The essence of
density criteria applied here is that the density of the network is taken as a basis, as a limit value
and if the density of contacts within each group or between groups is higher than the average of the
whole network then we can define it as a contact (oneblock) but if it is lower we cannot define it as
a relation (zeroblock).
Csizmadia, Zoltán :
Cooperation and Innovativity: the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation.
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 38. p. Discussion Papers, No. 70.
and the mapping the missing links between the ‘knowledge generator’, ‘transfer’
institutions and those organizational blocks who are involved in the 'utilization of
innovation' and in the development of the region (Figure 5).
Figure 5
The density matrix and block network of contacts among the different institutional
types of the system
Regional development
Development Regional
Innovation Centre
Interlocking or
Innovation Centre
Density table
Higher ed.
0.67 0.25 0.19 0.75 0.27 0.56 0.04
0.32 0.14 0.19 0.10 0.12 0.10
– 0.35 0.17 0.14 0.22
Density limit value: 0.253
Source: A survey on the innovation supply side of West-Transdanubia region, 2006.
Figure 5 is demonstrating the essence of our whole empirical survey. From a re-
mote and deforming or to name it as a simplified perspective it gives an answer to
our question and verifies the fundamental thesis of earlier surveys and strategic
situational evaluations concerning West-Transdanubia region. In case of stronger
and more intensive organizational interdependencies, the degree of research and
Csizmadia, Zoltán :
Cooperation and Innovativity: the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation.
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 38. p. Discussion Papers, No. 70.
higher educational institutes is minimal and realized through central develop-
mental organizations only.
The info-professional flow space of the network is operating by a similar prin-
ciple. Here besides the above-mentioned two problem sectors there are transfer
lines between other institutional groups running into all possible directions. The
general problem is that the actors of the research and educational sector are not
embedded into the network mechanisms of the regional innovation system on this
less formal level of cooperation either. In general it can be stated that the present
integrated network is the result of the top-down oriented institutional reform of
the past years. Without regional innovation agencies the institutional actors of
science and education would be excluded from the network.
7 Conclusions
The survey has provided several new results. Many of them have verified the
hypotheses of this paper and tested the results of former researches on regional
level. We consider its most important conclusion that the intensity of inter-firm
cooperation has not increased in the last fifteen years in Hungary. The coopera-
tion system is characterized by a low number of entirely bilateral connections and
by the absence of complex development and innovation networks. Furthermore
the majority of cooperation contacts are closed with partners operating in the eco-
nomic/market sector. Thus, only a small number of firms have been integrated
into the regional innovation system during the past years.
The other major finding of the survey can be seen on regional level. We cannot
speak of a fully operating regional innovation system yet instead we can identify
an evolving network. The main problem of the structure is that it is organized by a
few players only and there are very few signs of making up a bottom-up schemed
system of complex cooperation activities. The past 4–6 years of experience are
certainly not sufficient yet for making out a clear picture but it seems definite that
the key parts of the innovation system are not free of problems: the absence of
decentralization, unsolved cooperation issues, anomalies in the distributional
system of resources, the malfunctioning of the intermediary system in the region
The mapping of the network between innovation organizations operating in the
economic sector has revealed the position and relation of actors with some ele-
ments of the structural logics of the sector manifesting in networks. The methods
and procedures applied here may further be enhanced and distributed country-
wide to get a more precise picture on the different forms of the complex structures
of the socio-spatial organizations both on national level and in the regions stand-
ing at various levels of development.
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Csizmadia, Zoltán :
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Annex 1
The contact matrixes of the institutional system of innovation
Csizmadia, Zoltán :
Cooperation and Innovativity: the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation.
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 38. p. Discussion Papers, No. 70.
Csizmadia, Zoltán :
Cooperation and Innovativity: the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation.
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 38. p. Discussion Papers, No. 70.
Annex 2
The layers of the regional innovation network
Network 1: Stronger ties – interlocking or project-based relations
Network 2: Weaker ties – only professional cooperation or information exchange
Discussion Papers 2009. No. 70.
Cooperation and Innovativity:
the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation
The Discussion Papers series of the Centre for Regional Studies of the Hungarian
Academy of Sciences was launched in 1986 to publish summaries of research findings on
regional and urban development.
The series has 5 or 6 issues a year. It will be of interest to geographers, economists, so-
ciologists, experts of law and political sciences, historians and everybody else who is, in
one way or another, engaged in the research of spatial aspects of socio-economic develop-
ment and planning.
The series is published by the Centre for Regional Studies.
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Discussion Papers 2009. No. 70.
Cooperation and Innovativity:
the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation
Papers published in the Discussion Papers series
Discussion Papers / Specials
BENKŐNÉ LODNER, Dorottya (ed.) (1988): Environmental Control and Policy: Proceedings of
the Hungarian–Polish Seminar in the Theoretical Problems of Environmental Control
and Policy
OROSZ, Éva (ed.) (1988): Spatial Organisation and Regional Development Papers of the 6th Polish–
Hungarian geographical Seminar
DURÓ, Annamária (ed.) (1993): Spatial Research and the Social–Political Changes: Papers of the
7th Polish–Hungarian Seminar
DURÓ, Annamária (ed.) (1999): Spatial Research in Support of the European Integration.
Proceedings of the 11th Polish–Hungarian Geographical Seminar (Mátraháza, Hungary
17–22 September, 1998)
GÁL, Zoltán (ed.) (2001): Role of the Regions in the Enlarging European Union
HORVÁTH, Gyula (ed.) (2002): Regional Challenges of the Transition in Bulgaria and Hungary
KOVÁCS, András Donát (ed.) (2004): New Aspects of Regional Transformation and the Urban-
Rural Relationship
BARANYI, Béla (ed.) (2005): Hungarian–Romanian and Hungarian–Ukrainian border regions as
areas of co-operation along the external borders of Europe
ENYEDI, György – KOVÁCS, Zoltán (eds.) (2006): Social Changes and Social Sustainability in
Historical Urban Centres. The Case of Central Europe
KOVÁCS, András Donát (ed.) (2007): Regionality and/or locality
SZIRMAI, Viktória (ed.) (2007): Social Inequalities in Urban Areas and Globalization. The Case of
Central Europe
ILLÉS, Iván (2008): Visions and Strategies in the Carpathian Area (VASICA)
Discussion Papers
No. 1
OROSZ, Éva (1986): Critical Issues in the Development of Hungarian Public Health with
Special Regard to Spatial Differences
No. 2
ENYEDI, György – ZENTAI, Viola (1986): Environmental Policy in Hungary
No. 3
HAJDÚ, Zoltán (1987): Administrative Division and Administrative Geography in
No. 4
SIKOS T., Tamás (1987): Investigations of Social Infrastructure in Rural Settlements of
Borsod County
No. 5
HORVÁTH, Gyula (1987): Development of the Regional Management of the Economy in
East-Central Europe
No. 6
PÁLNÉ KOVÁCS, Ilona (1988): Chance of Local Independence in Hungary
No. 7
FARAGÓ, László – HRUBI, László (1988): Development Possibilities of Backward
Areas in Hungary
No. 8
SZÖRÉNYINÉ KUKORELLI, Irén (1990): Role of the Accessibility in Development and
Functioning of Settlements
No. 9
ENYEDI, György (1990): New Basis for Regional and Urban Policies in East-Central
Discussion Papers 2009. No. 70.
Cooperation and Innovativity:
the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation
No. 10
RECHNITZER, János (1990): Regional Spread of Computer Technology in Hungary
No. 11
SIKOS T., Tamás (1992): Types of Social Infrastructure in Hungary (to be not published)
No. 12
HORVÁTH, Gyula – HRUBI, László (1992): Restructuring and Regional Policy in
No. 13
ERDŐSI, Ferenc (1992): Transportation Effects on Spatial Structure of Hungary
No. 14
PÁLNÉ KOVÁCS, Ilona (1992): The Basic Political and Structural Problems in the
Workings of Local Governments in Hungary
No. 15
PFEIL, Edit (1992): Local Governments and System Change. The Case of a Regional
No. 16
HORVÁTH, Gyula (1992): Culture and Urban Development (The Case of Pécs)
No. 17
HAJDÚ, Zoltán (1993): Settlement Network Development Policy in Hungary in the
Period of State Socialism (1949–1985)
No. 18
KOVÁCS, Teréz (1993): Borderland Situation as It Is Seen by a Sociologist
No. 19
HRUBI, L. – KRAFTNÉ SOMOGYI, Gabriella (eds.) (1994): Small and medium-sized
firms and the role of private industry in Hungary
No. 20
BENKŐNÉ Lodner, Dorottya (1995): The Legal-Administrative Questions of
Environmental Protection in the Republic of Hungary
No. 21 ENYEDI, György (1998): Transformation in Central European Postsocialist Cities
No. 22 HAJDÚ, Zoltán (1998): Changes in the Politico-Geographical Position of Hungary in the
20th Century
No. 23
HORVÁTH, Gyula (1998): Regional and Cohesion Policy in Hungary
No. 24
BUDAY-SÁNTHA, Attila (1998): Sustainable Agricultural Development in the Region
of the Lake Balaton
No. 25
LADOS, Mihály (1998): Future Perspective for Local Government Finance in Hungary
No. 26
NAGY, Erika (1999): Fall and Revival of City Centre Retailing: Planning an Urban
Function in Leicester, Britain
No. 27
BELUSZKY, Pál (1999): The Hungarian Urban Network at the End of the Second
No. 28
RÁCZ, Lajos (1999): Climate History of Hungary Since the 16th Century: Past, Present
and Future
No. 29
RAVE, Simone (1999): Regional Development in Hungary and Its Preparation for the
Structural Funds
No. 30
BARTA, Györgyi (1999): Industrial Restructuring in the Budapest Agglomeration
No. 31
BARANYI, Béla–BALCSÓK, István–DANCS, László–MEZŐ, Barna (1999):
Borderland Situation and Peripherality in the North-Eastern Part of the Great Hungarian
No. 32
RECHNITZER, János (2000): The Features of the Transition of Hungary’s Regional
No. 33
MURÁNYI, István–PÉTER, Judit–SZARVÁK, Tibor–SZOBOSZLAI, Zsolt (2000):
Civil Organisations and Regional Identity in the South Hungarian Great Plain
No. 34
KOVÁCS, Teréz (2001): Rural Development in Hungary
No. 35
PÁLNÉ, Kovács Ilona (2001): Regional Development and Governance in Hungary
No. 36
NAGY, Imre (2001): Cross-Border Co-operation in the Border Region of the Southern
Great Plain of Hungary
Discussion Papers 2009. No. 70.
Cooperation and Innovativity:
the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation
No. 37
BELUSZKY, Pál (2002): The Spatial Differences of Modernisation in Hungary at the
Beginning of the 20th Century
No. 38
BARANYI, Béla (2002): Before Schengen – Ready for Schengen. Euroregional
Organisations and New Interregional Formations at the Eastern Borders of Hungary
No. 39
KERESZTÉLY, Krisztina (2002): The Role of the State in the Urban Development of
No. 40
HORVÁTH, Gyula (2002): Report on the Research Results of the Centre for Regional
Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
No. 41
SZIRMAI, Viktoria – A. GERGELY, András – BARÁTH, Gabriella–MOLNÁR, Balázs
– SZÉPVÖLGYI, Ákos (2003): The City and its Environment: Competition and/or Co-
operation? (A Hungarian Case Study)
No. 42
CSATÁRI, Bálint–KANALAS, Imre–NAGY, Gábor –SZARVÁK, Tibor (2004): Regions
in Information Society – a Hungarian Case-Study
No. 43
FARAGÓ, László (2004): The General Theory of Public (Spatial) Planning (The Social
Technique for Creating the Future)
No. 44
HAJDÚ, Zoltán (2004): Carpathian Basin and the Development of the Hungarian
Landscape Theory Until 1948
No. 45
GÁL, Zoltán (2004): Spatial Development and the Expanding European Integration of the
Hungarian Banking System
No. 46
BELUSZKY, Pál – GYŐRI, Róbert (2005): The Hungarian Urban Network in the
Beginning of the 20th Century
No. 47
G. FEKETE, Éva (2005): Long-term Unemployment and Its Alleviation in Rural Areas
No. 48
SOMLYÓDYNÉ PFEIL, Edit (2006): Changes in The Organisational Framework of
Cooperation Within Urban Areas in Hungary
No. 49
MEZEI, István (2006): Chances of Hungarian–Slovak Cross-Border Relations
No. 50 RECHNITZER, János – SMAHÓ, Melinda (2006): Regional Characteristics of Human
Resources in Hungary During the Transition
No. 51
BARTA, Györgyi – BELUSZKY, Pál – CZIRFUSZ, Márton – GYŐRI, Róbert –
KUKELY, György (2006): Rehabilitating the Brownfield Zones of Budapest
No. 52
GROSZ, András (2006): Clusterisation Processes in the Hungarian Automotive Industry
No. 53
FEKETE, G. Éva – HARGITAI, Judit – JÁSZ, Krisztina – SZARVÁK, Tibor –
SZOBOSZLAI, Zsolt (2006): Idealistic Vision or Reality? Life-long learning among
Romany ethnic groups
No. 54
BARTA, Györgyi (ed.) (2006): Hungary – the New Border of the European Union
No. 55
GÁL, Zoltán (2006): Banking Functions of the Hungarian Urban Network in the Early
20th Century.
No. 56
SZÖRÉNYINÉ, Kukorelli Irén (2006): Relation Analysis in Rural Space – A Research
Method for Exploring the Spatial Structure in Hungary
No. 57
MAUREL, Marie-Claude – PÓLA, Péter (2007): Local System and Spatial Change – The
Case of Bóly in South Transdanubia
No. 58
SZIRMAI, Viktória (2007): The Social Characteristics of Hungarian Historic City Centres
No. 59
ERDŐSI, Ferenc – GÁL, Zoltán – GIPP, Christoph – VARJÚ, Viktor (2007): Path
Dependency or Route Flexibility in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of
TWIST project
No. 60
PÓLA, Péter (2007): The Economic Chambers and the Enforcement of Local Economic
Discussion Papers 2009. No. 70.
Cooperation and Innovativity:
the Network Foundations of the Regional System of Innovation
No. 61
BUDAY-SÁNTHA, Attila (2007): Development Issues of the Balaton Region
No. 62
LUX, Gábor (2008): Industrial Development, Public Policy and Spatial Differentiation in
Central Europe: Continuities and Change
No. 63
MEZEI, Cecília (2008): The Role of Hungarian Local Governments in Local Economic
No. 64
NAGY, Gábor (2008): The State of the Info-communication Markets in Dél-Alföld
Region – Hungary
No. 65
HORVÁTH, Gyula (2008): Regional Transformation in Russia
No. 66
BELUSZKY, Pál – SIKOS T., Tamás (2008): Changing Village-Typology of Rural
Settlements in Hungary at the Beginning of the Third Millennium
No. 67
CSIZMADIA, Zoltán – GROSZ, András (2008): Regional Innovation System in West
No. 68
HARDI, Tamás (ed.) (2008): Transborder Movements and Relations in the Slovakian–
Hungarian Border Regions
No. 69
ERDŐSI, Ferenc (2008): Global and Regional Roles of the Russian Transport