Discussion Papers 2004.
New Aspects of Regional Transformation and the
Urban-Rural Relationship 9. p.
Continuation of co-operation between Polish and Hungarian geographers in the last
decade realisation of similar aims under the new geopolitical and economic condi-
tions. The research and the comparison of social and economical processes ap-
pearing in Poland and Hungary is one of the most interesting question and it will be
very important scientific aim also in the future.
This volume includes seven studies of the XIII. Polish-Hungarian Geographical
Seminar organised by the Alföld Institute-Kecskemét Centre for Regional Studies
in Tokaj, 26–30 September, 2002. The Polish delegation of six researchers, work-
ing for the Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of
Sciences (Prof. Dr. hab. Grzegorz Weclawowitz, Dr. hab. Jerzy Bański, Dr. Bożena
Degórska, Dr. Tomasz Komornicki, Dr. Mariusz Kowalski, Mgr. Dariusz Swiatek)
The Hungarian delegation of nine researchers, working for Centre for Regional
Studies (Prof. Dr. Gyula Horváth, Gadózciné Dr. Éva Fekete, Dr. Bálint Csatári,
Dr. Tamás Baukó, Dr. Zoltán Gál, Dr. Gábor Nagy, Tünde Magyar, András Donát
Kovács) The three days professional program was completed by a study trip to
Zemplén mountains, Sárospatak, Castle of Füzér, Telkibánya and Tokaj.
The topic of seminar was the comparison and analysis of socio-economical
processes and finds the analogies and differences in the general regional and urban-
rural transformation of Poland and Hungary. The majority of the lectures dealt with
problems on the country level, but some study based on regional investigation.
This volume is published with the hope that it can promote a better understand-
ing of the new aspects of regional transformation and the urban-rural relationship
in our regions, and we hope that Polish and Hungarian geographers and other re-
gional researchers would be able to continue the collaboration in the future.
Kecskemét, August 2004
Bálint Csatári
Director of Alföld Institute