Discussion Papers 2004. 
New Aspects of Regional Transformation and the 
Urban-Rural Relationship 
Contemporary transformations of the rural space in Poland: 
selected problems 
Table 1  Agricultural land and farm areas according to the Agricultural Census of 
1996 ....................................................................................................................  26 
Table 2  Allocation of the PHARE, SAPARD and ISPA means in 2000 
(in million Euro) .................................................................................................  35 
Some geographical aspects of Hungarian general elections – 1990–2002 
Table 1  Participation rate in general elections (number of valid votes) ..........................  52 
Table 2/1  Result of parties in general elections, 1990 ........................................................   53 
Table 2/2  Result of parties in general elections, 1994 ........................................................   54 
Table 2/3  Result of parties in general elections, 1998 ........................................................   54 
Table 2/4  Result of parties in general elections, 2002 ........................................................   55 
Table 3  Proportion of votes at party lists (percent of valid votes) ...................................   56 
Spatial structure and the expanding European integration of the 
Hungarian banking system 
Table 1  Correlation coefficients among per capita GDP growth rates between 
1996–2000 in Hungary .......................................................................................   99 
Fundamental issues relating to the River Tisza 
Table 1  Estimated cost of damage to settlements and agriculture exposed to 
flooding (in HUF billion, at 1996 prices)  ........................................................  110 

Discussion Papers 2004. 
New Aspects of Regional Transformation and the 
Urban-Rural Relationship 
Spatial conflicts between the shaping of open spaces and the socio-economic 
development in the Metropolitan Area of Warsaw 
Figure 1  The primary areas of spatial conflicts between the socio-economic 
development and shaping of the open space system as well as the 
environmental protection ....................................................................................   17 
Contemporary transformations of the rural space in Poland: 
selected problems 
Figure 1   Monofunctional agricultural areas, 1999 ............................................................   21 
Figure 2  The indicator of the level of development of Polish agriculture in 
comparison with the EU countries, 1999 ...........................................................  22 
Figure 3  Change in the area of agricultural land in the years 1962–1996 
(in ‘000 ha) .........................................................................................................   23 
Figure 4  Area of agricultural land (A) and forests (B), 1988–1999 ..................................  24 
Figure 5  Areas of shortage of women in the marital age (the coefficient 
of feminisation of the 20–29 years age group below 90%) ................................  27 
Figure 6  Areas with the share of population in the post-productive age exceeding .........  28 
Figure 7  Unemployment rates registered according to counties, June 2000 .....................  29 
Figure 8  Areas with population decline, 1 dot – 20 persons .............................................  30 
Figure 9  PHARE means granted for the restructuring of agriculture by the EU, in 
million Euro (Years of Financing Memorandum: 1990–2000: Agriculture, 
PKE) ...................................................................................................................   32 
Figure 10  PHARE contracts, 1995–2000 ...........................................................................   33 
Figure 11  Commune councillors with university education (%) ........................................  34 
The contacts of the inhabitants of Poland with Hungary in the light 
of survey studies 
Figure 1   Intensity of foreign trip on the basis of survey ...................................................  38 
Figure 2   Intensity of trip to Hungary on the basis of survey ............................................  39 
Figure 3   International contacts through communication channels ...................................  41 
Figure 4   Polish-Hungarian trade exchange in the year 2000 ............................................  44 

Discussion Papers 2004. 
New Aspects of Regional Transformation and the 
Urban-Rural Relationship 
Some geographical aspects of Hungarian general elections – 1990–2002 
Figure 1  The structure of the political field and its actors in Hungary, 1990–2002 .........  48 
Figure 2  2002. 1st round – Participation............................................................................   58 
Figure 3  2002. 2nd round – Participation ...........................................................................   59 
Figure 4  2002. Leading parties after the 1st round ............................................................   62 
Spatial structure and the expanding European integration of the Hungarian 
banking system 
Figure 1.  Employment in banking in some European countries (1994) .............................   78 
Figure 2.   Number of branches of banking in some European countries (1995) 
Source: BIS 66th Annual Report 1996 ................................................................   79 
Figure 3  Regional distribution of branch network in the Hungarian towns (included 
banks headquartered in Budapest, excluded cooperative savings banks) ...........  85 
Figure 4  The Hungarian branch network and its regional divisions .................................  92 
Figure 5   Trends in the per capita GDP growth rate between 1996–2000 
in Hungary ........................................................................................................  100 
Fundamental issues relating to the River Tisza 
Figure 1  Borderline of Hungary and the position of main rivers ....................................  108