Discussion Papers 1988.
Spatial Organization and Regional Development
The meetings organized by Polish and Hungarian
social geographers have been serving for more than a
decade the comparison of ways and problems of re-
gional development, and of efforts made in this
field by the two countries. This volume contains
the papers of the 6th Seminar on "Spatial organiza-
tion and regional development" held in Stare Pole,
a rural community of the Vistula river delta of
Poland, between 15 and 20 September, 1986, in the
framework of cooperation between the Academies of
Sciences of the two countries. The Polish delega-
tion comprised 11 researchers, headed by Prof. A.
Stasiak, while Prof. Gy. Enyedi acted as head of
the 6-member Hungarian delegation. In addition to
papers and discussions, a field trip to the Zulawy
Region in the Vistula river delta contributed also
to the useful exchange of views concentrating pri-
marily on presenting current problems of rural re-
gions of the two countries.
By virtue of subject, papers can be divided
into three major--partly interdependent--groups:
one part focusses mainly on general issues of re-
gional policy; another part highlights changes of
regional structure of socio-economic services and
illyestigates problems to be solved; while the third
group aims to give a complex presentation of minor
regions. It should be stressed that regional prob-
lems of services, or, more generally the role of
services in regional development of society and
economy, was much more preferred now than to earlier
conferences. Topics chosen earlier mutually provided
the possibility to compare experience of the two
Orosz, Éva : Preface
Discussion Papers 1988. Spatial Organization and Regional Development
countries concerning most questions.
Hungarian contributors express their
acknowledgements to both Academies for their finan-
cial support as well as to their hosts for excellent
organization and hospitality.
This volume has been published by the Centre
for Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Hereby we would like to express our acknowledgements
to our colleagues contributing to technical execu-
Eva Orosz